Tagged: birthday

My London Birthday

Birthdays are always an occasion for mixed feelings. I love the attention that comes with a legitimate reason to be the center of all the attention. On the other hand birthdays also remind me of where I am on the socially and culturally constructed timeline. Behind much?!

When I turned 30 I decided to travel as part of my annual birth celebration. I went to Disney!!! It was totally worth it! Being a creature that thrives off tradition, this year I had to take off and this time on a plane. It had to be big. It had to be dream fulfilling. My destination? London and Ireland of course. It helps that a friend of mine was living in London at the time but that’s neither here nor there.

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This Friday I am entering a new stage, a new phase, a new age bracket!!!
I will be turning the BIG 3-0!!!!!
So many thoughts!
So many emotions!
So much pressure!
I’ve been so blessed.
Yes, I’ve seen hardship.
Yes, I’ve seen struggle.
Yes, I’ve seen heartbreak and heartache, disappointments and disillusions.
But I have also seen endless mercy and grace.
I have seen indescribable joy and happiness.
I have also experienced love beyond measure.
I can honestly say that I have LIVED, LOVED and LOST.
I know my story is far from over but I am also glad that certain chapters are being left behind in my 20’s.
I am grateful that I am not the same person I was 10 years ago.
I am grateful that in spite of my complicated and hard headed ways my family has always stuck by my side.
I am grateful that my dearest friends have never turned their backs on me and I look forward to growing old along side them.
2/3 in the club…  Triple D, you’re next!!!
A letter to 30…..
Dear 30,
I am ready! I am ready to welcome you with open arms. I am ready to see what you have in store for me. I am ready to experience all the new adventures you are planning. I can’t wait to accomplish brand new goals and achieve all of these new dreams. I am excited to continue growing and becoming the women of purpose God designed and created me to be.
Oh 30, you have a good rep with my older friends… they only have great things to say about you and I believe that you will have the same effect on me. I hope you’re ready, because I’m hitting the ground running!

With really high expectations,

Birthdays over the years